Fruclass, the task force to certify the quality of the supply chain is born
A historic event for the durum wheat and pasta supply chain, which can now count on a system to control quality all the way from the field to the table. This production rating method is called Fruclass and aims at writing a new page in terms of pricing, with a positive trickledown effect on all players in the supply chain and consumers, thanks to the identification of shared and unbiased parameters for defining quality. This system was designed by the University of Tuscia on the initiative of the associations that signed the memorandum of understanding “Durum wheat-Quality Pasta Chain”: Alleanza Cooperative Agroalimentari, Assosementi, Cia-Agricoltori Italiani, Compag, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Italmopa and the pasta makers of Unione Italiana Food.
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